Joan Kesman

Joan Kesman

divorced | 4 independent, spirited young ladies | aesthetician/owner | Westmont, IL

Joan KesmanWhen I am not seeing clients… I spend time with my family and enjoy golfing. Most other times you can find me on the Internet, at workshops, seminars, or reading books and magazines that enhance my profession as well as my spiritual and personal self-improvement.

Dreaming of… partaking in a wellness spa and doing some traveling.

If I was not an aesthetician… I would like to be a aesthetician consultant and I would like to explore other modes of holistic healing.

Best skin care tip… be aware of ingredients in your skin care products because many can be irritating and possibly carcinogenic. Entrust your skin to a reputable source.

My home… is a place of renewal, relaxation, quiet, and peace for me and all who enter.

Favorite summer trend… using a stable and effective vitamin C serum to protect your skin from the sun and repair sun damage.

Obsession… learning and sharing my knowledge with others.

The best thing about my age… I have learned a lot and each year I am excited that there is so much more to learn. I have learned to relax and enjoy life more.

Guilty pleasure… dark chocolate – glad it is now healthy for you!

My aesthetics mentor is… Rebecca James Gadberry. I admire her for her knowledge, ability, and passion to find safe, healthy, effective ingredients for her products. Consequently, she makes me more aware of how to avoid the harmful and ineffective ingredients.

Words of wisdom… “If you believe you can… or if you believe you can’t… you’re right.” (Henry Ford). Your thoughts create your reality. Change your subconscious beliefs by using different exercises to reprogram those beliefs and create the life you want.

My favorite type of music… smooth jazz because it is mellow and pleasant to listen to.

My favorite book is… “Biology of Belief,” by Bruce Lipton. I have always been interested in how the brain works and he is able to show how our subconscious is what directs our life. Change your thoughts and change your life.

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