Nadine Toriello
age 46 | boyfriend | two crazy cats | spa owner, licensed aesthetician | Key West, Florida
When I’m not seeing clients… I run the spa, teach, research, and write articles, prepare my lectures all, of which takes up about 16 hours a day. I don’t mind though because I truly love what I do, so it’s rarely a chore and I’m weird because I only sleep about four hours a night. On Sundays you can find me slathered in sunscreen marinating in my pool, reading my Kindle or a stack of the latest industry magazines!
Dreaming of… the day I can resume traveling around the world…. next stop, Egypt and the pyramids!
If I were not an aesthetician… I would spend more time getting spa services and I would still own our 20,000 square feet furniture store.
Best skin care tip… I tell my clients (and anyone who will listen) to use Emu oil! It’s an anti-inflammatory, stimulates cell production, boosts efficacy of other products, and is bacteria-static.
My home… is my sanctuary and completely run by my two cats, Boodah and Lily.
Favorite fall trend… is usually lost on me since we don’t have fall in Key West. We have two seasons: “surface of the sun” and “spring.”
Obsession… being on time. There is no excuse for being late.
The best thing about turning 40… is I am free to be exactly who I am. I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself.
Guilty pleasure… is taking a Tuesday afternoon off, shutting off the cell phone to sit in the pool and read trashy novels. Why have just one guilty pleasure?!
Most memorable celebrity encounter… is when I was about 12 years old. My mom met Frankie Avalon through her work and had him call the house to talk to me. We grew up listening to 50s music in the house and I just loved his music.
My favorite Super Hero is… my mom. No offense to Wonder Woman, but my mom did it all without a magic lasso or an invisible plane. She was successfully married to her love, my dad, for 48 years, raised three kids who are decent human beings, ran several multimillion dollar businesses, and made sure dinner was on the table each night. She took on the Mob by owning a garbage company in New Jersey and became one of Time Magazine’s Women of the Year in 1976. At 70, she’s come out of retirement to run my spa for me. She rocks! To me, that is some kind of Super Hero!!
My aesthetics mentor is… Janet McCormick. She was the first person to teach me as a newbie right out of school. I owe much of my success in this industry to Janet’s gracious sharing of knowledge. She gave me a solid foundation of aesthetics knowledge, which I have continued to build upon. She inspired me to share my knowledge with others and become an educator, writer, and lecturer.
Words of wisdom… were given to me by my dad. “The more you know, the higher you go” and “take five extra seconds and do the job right.” Those words have never failed me.
Last song I listened to… “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones.
My favorite book is… “Gone With The Wind” by Margaret Mitchell.