When contemplating the term wellness, the quality or state of being healthy both in body and mind is deliberately examined. One specific factor that has a powerful effect on a person’s well-being is the amount of stress they experience in their life. As a result, being able to manage the stress in our lives can be a powerful tool.
One strategy is maintaining a healthy balanced diet. When someone is stressed, they very rarely think about how what they eat can affect their mood, let alone their overall health. Taking this concept into consideration, there are foods that negatively impact our body just as there are also foods that have a positive effect. The foods that can assist in controlling our stress levels are able to do so by boosting serotonin, a calming brain chemical, or by cutting down the levels of stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, in the body. Therefore, following a healthy diet can do more than make you look good… it can also counter the impact of stress. Almonds, sweet potatoes, avocados, spinach and berries are all great examples of stress-reducing foods.