Sanitation: Little Piggy Perfection

When it comes to sanitation, the first challenge for salons and spas is to define what sanitation really means. The second is to educate professionals on what aspects are most important. In other words, what aspect is going to be dealt with as a priority? This is not a simple problem and many aestheticians confuse the two. Safe treatments, cleaning procedures and contaminated disposals are among the top priorities at every level. As an aesthetician, keep in mind that cleanliness comes first and foremost. Also, remember that the aesthetician’s personal appearance should be a priority when understanding sanitation.

This means that the aesthetician’s hair should be pulled back, nails should not have any applied polish, makeup should be fresh, and jewelry should be insignificant.
While all of the above are great tips to remember, the biggest practice to include in daily activity is the use of gloves. Always wear gloves on both hands while performing a treatment. Look for signs of allergic reaction to latex gloves; keep non-latex on hand. Nitrile gloves are non-latex and are extremely resistant to punctures and tears. Last, dispose of gloves in proper garbage bins (blood contaminated gloves are disposed of in a Sharps container).
In my professional opinion, by following industry standards and combining intelligent education you will drastically reduce chances of cross-contamination.

Here is my bird's eye view on  a sanitation checklist: Always wash your hands. Disinfect and sanitize counters, floors, beds  and implements after every client. Empty garbage and clean the pail.

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