How to Use Aloe Vera for Skin Care
To use aloe to sooth dry skin, itch, or sunburn cut off a small leaf of the aloe vera plant about as long as your index finger. Make a slice length wise down the leaf to expose the aloe and apply to the skin. If you are using the aloe for a wound you can cover the wound with gauze
and tape.
- When cutting a leaf from the aloe vera plant pick one that is closer to the base of the plant. This will help with the yield of the plant and the aloe is much better from the mature part of the plant.
- You must use aloe vera right away… do not cut a leaf off until you need it!
- If you want to save a piece simply wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator; it will keep for a few days.
- For serious burns and wounds always seek professional help first.
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