





There are so many beauty benefits to incorporating a hint of peppermint into your beauty regime. Peppermint is a large source of vitamin A, which is proven to reduce the signs of wrinkles. It is often used in balms because of the herb’s ability to increase blood flow and stimulate nerves. Menthol, one of the main ingredients in peppermint, is extremely healing to dry skin, acne, and red blotches.

To prevent heartburn… drink peppermint tea before and after meals. Try adding a drop or two of peppermint essential oil to water and drinking small sips during a meal.

Poison oak and poison ivy: Contact with these beautiful woodland vines causes a hot, itchy rash; poison oak is the culprit on the West Coast, and poison ivy on the East. This contact dermatitis can be quite severe for some people. There are several simple and effective home remedies for this painful itch. Though it is tempting to take a hot bath or shower, which will temporarily make the rash feel better, hot water will always agitate the condition in the long run. Therefore, avoid hot baths, showers, saunas, and sweat lodges. Bath only in tepid water. A drop or two of peppermint essential oil (no more or you will be flying out of the tub before you get in it) added to the bathwater will help cool the rash and give temporary relief from the itching and burning.

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