Amazing You Day Spa

Amazing You Day Spa opened two years ago by Gladys Allen in the hopes of gaining at least 1,000 clients. Allen was pleased to see that goal quickly exceeded as the spa now has more than 2,000 clients. Allen, ecstatic about the spa’s successful year, believes that an unhappy career that led her to open Amazing You. As a spa junkie for most of her adult life, Allen found herself in a very stressful job. When she turned 50, she made the decision to stop working at the job she had at the time. Allen wanted to help people not feel the way she did when she went to work. As a result, she went to school and opened Amazing You Day Spa. She now hopes to turn her attention toward locals and regulars and continue to expand.

Untitled-2Allen believes that clients continue to return to her spa because everyone is treated like family. Her effort to speak with every client that visits makes her stand out as a spa owner. Amazing You Day Spa helps every client feel relaxed and beautiful.
The facials are the clients’ favorite service at Amazing You. These facials are great because only quality products, such as GlyMed Plus products, are used. When facials are performed, they include a facial massage throughout the treatment, along with neck, shoulder, scalp, and some arm massage. The signature treatment is the Amazing Paradise. This treatment truly is absolute paradise as a massage therapist performs a leg and foot massage at the same time that the aesthetician performs a facial. This treatment also includes a neck, shoulder, and scalp massage. $70 for 30 minutes; $100 for 50 minutes.

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