Reading Your Clients: Lips

According to both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, lips have a great deal to tell us about our clients. Their shape, size, color and condition broadcast not only the state of our health but also personality traits. The most wonderful aspect of this diagnostic ability is that it can be used to prevent serious illness.
It has been said that your mouth is a neon sign of your digestive health. The top of your upper lip reveals how your stomach is functioning and the bottom of the upper lip shows the condition of your small intestine. The lower lip corresponds to the colon. The corners of the mouth show the condition of the duodenum, which is the valve connecting the stomach to the small intestine. It follows that the conditions that are visible in the lips are also present in the internal digestive organs.

ryc2From a face diagnosis point of view, swollen lips, though thought of as beautiful, are a sign of a swollen or impacted digestive tract. In simple terms, your client has constipation or sluggish elimination. Drinking more water is a simple way to flush the system along with consuming more whole foods that are rich in fiber that will help to slow digestion.
Cold sores are caused by a virus that lingers in the body and blooms when the body is more acidic or is exposed to a lot of sunshine. Generally, they are a sign that the client is under stress and has a compromised immune system. Spicy, acid-forming foods and alcohol may contribute to breakouts. Plenty of fresh vegetables, especially green vegetables, will help restore balance along with rest and relaxation.
Cracked or chapped lips are a sign of dehydration that may be accompanied by constipation. This may be caused by eating a lot of dry food, such as bread, chips, crackers or salty foods. Dry lips also indicate a body that is very low in healthy probiotics, gut-friendly bacteria that improve digestion. Homemade yogurt or sauerkraut is a great remedy along with drinking plenty of purified water. Lowering your salt intake by changing to sea or Himalayan salt and adding it to your food while cooking rather than right before you eat will also help.
Crusted lips, sometimes called lick eczema, are a sign of poor digestion and a lack of quality oils in the diet. A tablespoon of virgin coconut oil or a fish oil supplement may help.
Sticky corners of the mouth are a sign of stomach problems. Many western medication have this unfortunate side effect, especially medicine for depression and anxiety.
Burning lips are a sign of inflammation in the digestive tract or an over active stomach due to poor food choices or overeating. Try to chew well and eat slowly.
Red aura, or ring, is often caused by an allergy to common foods such as wheat, milk, soy products, or a high consumption of sodas. Some people are particularly sensitive to benzoic acid that puts the fizz in carbonated drinks or some toothpastes.
Pale lips can be a sign of anemia, heart or lung challenges. Pale lips may also indicate that a client is feeling withdrawn and/or feeling vulnerable and insecure. This calls for kindness and tenderness on your part.
Think of these ideas as a way of reading warning signs and use them to help guide your client toward better lifestyle choices and improved long-term health rather than a tool for making judgments.

Melanie-SachsAs a certified Ayurvedic lifestyle counselor, Melanie Sachs’ skill as a healer and teacher have made her sought after by some of the world’s leading spas and schools of beauty. Her book, Ayurvedic Beauty Care (Lotus Light Publications), is considered a must for those interested in the expanding field of natural and conscious beauty and body care. Sachs is dedicated to bringing the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda to the West. She has especially focused her attention on the needs of women in these times when traditional female roles are expanding. Although certainly exciting, such changes in women’s roles and activity create additional stresses and demands, for which Ayurveda offers nurturing, supportive solutions.

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